
On this page you will find the terms and conditions of Vaasan Sähkö Oy.

We follow the general conditions recommended by the Finnish Energy Industry.
Also see the product-specific terms below.

General terms
Terms of electricity sales TESa 2014
Terms of network service VPE 2019
Terms of network connection LE 2019
Terms of district heating

Product-specific terms
Terms for Fixed-Term contracts
Basic Electricity and Wind Power
Exchange Electricity from 1.11.2023
Sale of surplus electricity

Cancellation right information for consumers
Cancellation form
Terms and conditions for Vaasan Sähkö’s digital services

Electricity products & prices

Power up your home – get your electricity contract!

What’s the average electricity consumption of a detached house or an apartment per year? Is there a consumption calculator to find out how much your appliances consume? This story will answer these questions and give you practical tips for saving electricity, whether you live in a detached house, apartment or terraced house.

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