The new company Vaasan Sähkö Myynti Oy is here. Read how it will affect your electricity contract.
Your contract will be transferred from Vaasan Sähkö Oy to Vaasan Sähkö Myynti Oy
At the beginning of April, your electricity contract will be transferred to Vaasan Sähkö’s fully owned new subsidiary, Vaasan Sähkö Myynti Oy.
The change does not affect the price or terms of your contract, nor the payment method you have chosen. All service channels, contact information and opening hours will remain as before.
The situation corresponds to what is described in section 9.2 of the Terms of Electricity Sales.
New invoicer and account number
The new sales company will invoice for the first time for your April consumption. If you have saved a payment template in your online bank, please pay attention to the new account number.
We invoice at least every two months
If you have previously received your invoice four times a year, it will now be sent six times a year when the invoicer changes.
The change will not affect your contract price and will not cause any additional costs regardless of your payment method.
Some of our customers will also receive an invoice in April that deviates from their normal invoicing rhythm. We will separately inform all customers affected about that.
Why was the new sales company established?
The reason for the establishment of the company is first and foremost an attempt to increase transparency in our operations.
The company’s operations will include electricity sales and various energy services. However, these will continue in the familiar group and on the same address.
The staff will remain the same, as will the service channels, opening hours and contact information.
For more than a year, we have been reporting sales and production operations separately, as this increases transparency to the outside world. The change also enables a better development of separate functions and services.
How will the change be visible to customers?
For electricity customers, the change is minimal – the name of the new sales company will be visible on the invoice and contract confirmations. In addition, the change will show during the transition period as a change in the invoicing rhythm of some of our customers, as described above.
The electricity contracts will be transferred to the new subsidiary, even if they remain in the familiar Vaasan Sähkö group. Contracts, prices, terms and customer relationships remain unchanged. The same goes for contact details, opening hours and customer service channels.
Will the change affect electricity prices?
As far as pricing is concerned, we will continue to operate on the same basis as before. We will continue to strive to ensure that our contracts are competitively priced.
Does the change apply to district heating?
The change does not apply to district heating, only to the electricity sales. District heating customers always receive their bills once a month.