Use our app to view your energy consumption data!

Use the Vaasan Sähkö mobile app to track your energy consumption and to stay up to date about what the next bill will look like. Review your contract details as an electricity or district heating customer. In Finnish or Swedish you can also use our online service. 

Download here!

Use your bank credentials or a mobile certificate to enable the app. Please note that you cannot log into the app with the credentials you use for our Online Service, but must create a new user ID. At this point the mobile app contains only our consumer customer’s information.

Manage your energy matters easily with the app.

Consumption reports covering time periods from hours to years

You can even track electricity consumption and its costs on an hourly basis. Monitoring consumption makes it easy to find ways of reducing your energy bills.

Easy comparison

Compare your consumption with previous years and outdoor temperatures. You can use the app to view consumption data for periods ranging from the previous day to three years ago.

What’s gone wrong?

Check for faults and outages in the Vaasan Sähköverkko area.

Experiences of the Vaasan Sähkö mobile app:

“Information is easy to find in the app. Looks cool and nicely finished. Doesn’t freeze. PIN/fingerprint/facial recognition a good feature. “

“For me, the application is easy to use and gives us Vaasan Sähkö customers more opportunities to manage our own power consumption. I view this as important from the ecological and financial perspective. ”

“Outage reports are also a good addition to the service. More outages are likely due to the greater frequency of storms, at least in the Vaasa archipelago.”

Give us feedback and requests — we are continuously developing the app

Anna palautetta mobiilisovelluksesta- ENG
1: Would not recommend 10: Very likely

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