
Billing and reporting services
Invoice copy afterwards2.00 €/invoice
Interval requested by the customer8.00 €/invoice
Invoice or balance breakdown8.00 €/pcs
District heating consumption certificate, information on consumption history8.00 €/pcs
Consumption certificate (max. 5 electricity meters)18.00 €/pcs
Delay in payment
Payment reminder (Note: VAT 0%)5.00 €/reminder (VAT 0%)
Late payment interestaccording to the Interest Act
Collection visit at the customer’s address50.00 €/visit
Energy cut-off, consumers *)
50.00 € (VAT 0%)
Energy cut-off, businesses62.75 €
Reconnection of energy *)62.75 €
Energy consulting
Monitoring your own energy consumption in the Online service or mobile applicationincluded in the customership
Borrowing an energy consumption meterincluded in the customership
Advisory services of an energy expertincluded in the customership
The prices include VAT 25.5%.
*) The local distribution company’s transaction fees will be charged for the disconnection and reconnection of electricity performed as a collection measure in energy supply outside our network area.

other prices

District heating prices

Do you live within the Vaasan Sähköverkko distribution area? Check the electricity distribution prices on the company’s website. If you live elsewhere in mainland Finland, check the distribution prices of your local electricity distribution company.


Read the terms and conditions of Vaasan Sähkö Oy here.