How can we help you?
On this page, you’ll find the contact details of our customer service and answers to frequently asked questions. You can view your electricity contracts and bills in the Online service when it suits you best.
Electricity contracts
How to choose the right electricity contract for my housing company?
You should select the electricity contract based on how much electricity your housing company consumes annually. If the consumption exceeds 100 MWh, we will provide your housing company with a customized offer based on your consumption.
If you consume less than that, you should think whether a fixed-term or indefinite-term contract suits your housing company best and whether you would like to have a fixed-price contract or an exchange electricity contract in which the price follows the market price.
You can read a comprehensive comparison of all the different electricity contracts here and try the contract assistant tool that helps you find the electricity contract best suited for your housing company.
Small and medium-sized housing companies / Consumption less than 100 MWh
Open weekdays from 10 am to 6 pm
Large housing companies / Consumption more than 100 MWh
Open weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm
Billing and payments
What are the available payment methods?
We recommend e-invoicing to all our customers.
We deliver invoices electronically to your online bank as an e-invoice, to your email and to the Kivra or OmaPosti services. Kivra and OmaPosti are electronic mailboxes where you can also easily pay the bill.
For corporate or housing company customers, we recommend e-invoicing.
If electronic billing is not a suitable payment method, your housing company can also be billed with paper bills.
Why did our housing company get a bill from you even though we have changed our electricity vendor?
If your housing company is located in the distribution area of Vaasan Sähköverkko, you will receive bills from us even if you change your electricity vendor. Regardless of the electricity supplier, the local distribution company will continue to be in charge of the distribution of electricity and the related billing. Electricity distribution cannot be competitively tendered.
How do I change the due date for an invoice?
You can easily postpone the due date of your invoice in our Online service. If the due date can be changed, this is shown next to the unpaid bill.
You can change the due date of an invoice if you do so before the due date, you have no other outstanding bills due and you have not changed the due date of that bill before.
If your company has chosen to receive bills as online invoices, make sure to also change the due date in your online banking service.
Supply interruptions
The district heating is not working – what’s wrong?
If you are having problems with the heating of your property, first check our website for information on any interruptions in the supply of district heating that might have already been reported. If there is no widespread problem, see our tips for checking your own equipment.
- Turn off the air conditioning in the property, if possible
- Do not ventilate your home or use a cooker hood if you don’t have to
- Prepare to use a fireplace or another additional source of heat
Make sure that all appliances are working as they should. You can report interruptions in the supply of district heating 24/7 on our website.
How can I be informed about supply interruptions?
Supply interruptions in Vaasan Sähköverkko’s distribution area are reported on our website in the section Supply interruptions. If your place of energy use is located outside the distribution area of Vaasan Sähköverkko, please contact your own electricity network company.
You can also subscribe to receive alerts by text message or email:
Interruptions in the supply of district heating
Open 24/7
Interruptions in the supply of electricity
Report a power supply failure on Vaasa Sähköverkko’s website.
District heating contracts
Can my housing company be connected to district heating?
Our district heating network is located in the central areas of Vaasa, Sepänkylä in Mustasaari and Vähäkyrö.
We can connect both new and old buildings located in our network area to the district heating network. If your housing company is located near the network area, please contact our customer service and we’ll find out whether your property can be connected to the network.
Read more about connecting to district heating.
My housing company’s district heating equipment seems to be faulty—what should I do?
District heating equipment needs to be maintained from time to time. We have put together a comprehensive guide to using district heating equipment. You can read the guide here. You can also contact the district heating customer service, if necessary.
District heating customer service
Open weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm
Questions about electricity distribution
Which electricity transmission product is best for my housing company?
Electricity network companies offer a range of electricity transmission options. You can check the selection on your electricity network company’s website.
Vaasan Sähköverkko has three electricity transmission options to choose from: Yleissähkö (standard tariff electricity), Yösähkö (nighttime electricity), and Kausisähkö (seasonal electricity). To get the best value, choose a transmission product that suits your housing company’s electricity use.
Check out Vaasan Sähköverkko’s electricity transmission options.
How can I change the method of measuring my housing company’s electricity consumption?
It is advisable to change the transmission product if the electricity consumption in your housing company changes significantly or if the current product is no longer the cheapest. This can happen for various reasons, for instance if your electricity consumption decreases or most of your consumption is shifted to another time.
It’s a good idea to check the policies of the local distribution network company on their website. As a customer of Vasaan Sähköverkko, housing companies can change their electricity transmission product once a year free of charge. Please inform us of the change on the Vaasan Sähköverkko website.
My housing company is about to buy solar panels—how can we get the panels connected to the electricity network?
The first thing to check is whether the solar panel system can be connected to the electricity network.
If the property is already connected to the electricity distribution network, the solar panel system is usually automatically connected. Please see the website of your housing company’s electricity network company to find out how to connect your own energy production to the electricity network.
Vaasan Sähköverkko’s guidelines can be found here.
Can I be notified of a power outage by mobile phone?
As a customer of Vaasan Sähköverkko, you can receive information about power outages, their causes and duration directly to your mobile phone through our free text message service. See how to order the service on Vaasan Sähköverkko’s website.
If you are a customer of another electricity network company, you should see their website for any reports related to supply interruptions.
Vaasan Sähköverkko customer service
Manage Your Affairs Easily Online
Our online service makes managing your energy needs easy and fast! Handle electricity contracts and billing at a time that suits you best.