Wind Power – make an eco-friendly electricity contract

Wind Power is 100% renewable electricity. By choosing Wind Power, you contribute to increasing carbon-neutral energy production in Finland.

Choose Vaasan Sähkö’s Wind Power

  • Convenient. The contract is continuously in effect without the need for renewal.
  • Eco-friendly. Wind Power is fossil-free and produces no CO2 emissions.
  • Finnish. Our wind power is generated in Finland.
  • Non-binding. If you wish, you can switch to another contract, as you are not bound by the contract to a fixed term.

Why choose Vaasan Sähkö’s Wind Power?

You can subscribe to Wind Power wherever you live in Finland. We offer Wind Power all over Finland at competitive prices.

The price is fixed – it does not follow the hourly spot price of electricity. This makes your electricity bill nicely predictable. We check and update the price four times a year. We inform our customers well in advance of any price changes, in either direction.

When you choose Wind Power, you get 100% renewable energy for your home and contribute to the green transition in Finland. After all, we not only sell wind power, but are also one of the largest producers of it in Finland.

Six reasons to choose Vaasan Sähkö

  • Price: you get electricity at a competitive rate.
  • A mobile app and online service that makes it easy to track your electricity consumption.
  • Environmental friendliness. We aim for 100% carbon neutral production by the end of the 2020s.
  • Personalized customer service. We offer the products and services that are just right for you.
  • Customer benefits. You will receive a paper version of our Nette magazine three times a year, as well as other varying benefits. 
  • Long experience in the industry. We have been in the electricity business for over 130 years.

Reduce your carbon footprint easily

Choosing a contract for renewable electricity is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. All you need to do is to choose Wind Power, and very soon you’ll be doing your laundry, vacuuming and using your smart devices fossil-free at home! In just a few minutes, you’ll be making a choice to help slow global warming.

Vaasan Sähkö’s Wind Power: support the green transition

As transport becomes more electric, data centers demand more electricity and electric fuels become more common, the need for electricity is clearly growing. That is why Finland needs more clean energy production.

Wind-generated electricity has great potential for growth. Its production capacity is forecast to quadruple within a few years. In 2023, Finland’s wind power generation capacity will be 5.5 gigawatts. It is expected to be 20 gigawatts by 2030.

Join the wind power initiative!

Vaasan Sähkö is one of the largest producers of wind power in Finland. Our wind power is generated in Finland on wind farms in Vaasa, Tornio, Kristiinankaupunki and Ilmajoki. Our latest investment in wind power is in Norrskogen in Närpiö, western Finland, generating 140 gigawatt hours of eco-friendly electricity for our customers. It will meet the electricity needs of around 14,000 consumers annually.

Be part of the change – order Wind Power today.

Did you know: we built Finland’s first wind farm! 

Wind Power: why choose renewable electricity?

  • Wind Power produces no CO2 emissions.
  • It’s an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to climate action.
  • You’ll be supporting the construction of wind power in Finland.
  • As electricity consumption increases, the need for clean electricity is growing.
  • The contract is valid until you choose to end it.

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