Current electricity
price per kWh

The energy price of electricity is stated in c/kWh, which means cents per kilowatt-hour. Prices from electricity suppliers can vary significantly. In addition, the electricity company charges a small fixed base fee (€/month) each month.

If you find a significantly cheaper electricity offer, it may be a “loss leader” product from the supplier, where the price increases after a while. Therefore, it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Did you know that you can compare electricity prices and choose the best electricity contract for you?

What one kilowatt-hour means in practice

What does one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity actually mean? How long does it last in terms of keeping the fridge-freezer cool or heating the sauna?

Examples of electricity consumption for household appliances:

  • Drying hair for 15 minutes uses about 0.25 kWh of electricity.
  • Brewing coffee for 10 minutes uses about 0.1 kWh of electricity.
  • A fridge-freezer uses about 1 kWh of electricity per day.
  • One hour of sauna usage, including pre-heating, uses 7-14 kWh, depending on the sauna stove’s power.
  • The electricity consumption of all appliances in a two-person apartment is about 2,500 kWh per year.
  • An electricity-heated house with appliances uses about 19,000 kWh per year.

Tip! It’s easy to calculate the electricity consumption of household appliances: multiply the appliance’s power (W) by the usage time (h) to know how much electricity the appliance uses.

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