Sähkösopimus kerrostaloon

Electricity contract for an apartment

In apartment buildings, electricity bills are usually small, as electricity consumption tends to be moderate. Therefore, price comparison isn’t everything – there is also room for value-based choices. If you value emission-free production methods, choose our renewable Wind Power or Fixed product.

It’s worth becoming our customer if you appreciate a company with friendly customer service, and enjoy customer benefits such as a convenient mobile app.


4 reasons to order electricity from us

How to choose the right electricity contract

Living in an apartment building typically means low electricity bills, as electricity consumption is modest. This gives you the freedom to focus not only on price but also on carbon footprint and the services offered by your electricity provider.

Electricity and your carbon footprint

Choosing an electricity contract is an excellent opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint.

Fixed-term or open-ended contract?

Opt for modern services and great customer benefits

How to make an electricity contract

If you’re moving, remember to arrange your electricity contract in advance, preferably two weeks or at least two business days before your move. This ensures the electricity is connected on time, avoiding any extra charges for expedited service from the local distribution company.

Forgot to make a contract in time and moving day is approaching? Call our customer service – we can help you get electricity on short notice.

Monitor your electricity consumption via the app or online

Want to know how much your next electricity bill will be? Curious how much frequent sauna use increases your electricity consumption?

Vaasan Sähkö’s mobile app and Online service can answer these questions. For example, you can:

  • Compare your monthly electricity consumption to the same period last year or track consumption down to the hour.
  • Record new home appliances and monitor how they impact your electricity use.
  • Compare your consumption to the average for an apartment building.

How electricity bills are formed

Living in an apartment, electricity bills are typically modest, often just tens of euros per month. For example, a single occupant’s electricity bill is approximately €25 per month, which includes energy costs, a base fee, distribution charges, and taxes.

The distribution fee is paid to your local distribution company, which can be a part of the same group as your electricity supplier. Taxes are paid on both electricity and distribution.

If you live in an apartment building, your electricity bill usually arrives every second month, covering two months of electricity consumption.

Easy tips: how to reduce your electricity bill in an apartment home

You can lower your electricity bill by comparing electricity contracts and switching to a more affordable option. Additionally, reducing unnecessary electricity use makes a big difference.

  1. Bathroom floor heating
    • Bathroom floor heating typically uses direct electric heating, which appears on your electricity bill. If the floor is always warm, it is consuming unnecessary electricity. Its primary purpose is to make sure that there is no humidity in the floor construction, not to warm your feet. Adjust the thermostat on the wall to a lower setting.
  2. Turn off electronics
    • Switch off entertainment electronics after use. Devices left in standby mode still consume some electricity.
  3. Use appliances wisely
    • Follow the “more at once” rule: run full loads in your washing machine and dishwasher. When using the oven, prepare multiple dishes simultaneously. Opt for energy-saving programs on appliances.
  4. Adjust fridge-freezer temperatures
    • Don’t set your fridge and freezer colder than necessary. The optimal temperature for a fridge is +5°C and for a freezer, -18°C. Adjust the settings if needed.
  5. Efficient sauna use
    • Saunas consume more electricity than any other household appliance. Be energy-efficient: heat the sauna to 70–80°C, which is an optimal temperature, and enter as soon as it’s ready. The residual heat is enough to dry the sauna afterward.