How can we help you?
Thinking about changing your electricity contract or planning to move to a new home? On this page, you’ll find the contact details of our customer service and answers to frequently asked questions. You can manage your electricity contracts and bills conveniently online.
Electricity contracts
How to choose an electricity contract?
When choosing an electricity contract, it’s important to consider whether a fixed-term or open-ended contract suits you better and whether you prefer a fixed-price contract or one tied to the electricity market prices.
You can read a comprehensive comparison of all types of electricity contracts here and try the contract assistant, which helps you find the best electricity contract for your needs.
I’m moving house – can I transfer my current contract?
If you’re moving, the existing electricity contract must be terminated and a new contract must be made for the new address. You can do both at the same time.
We never automatically terminate an electricity contract when you move, as you may need electricity in two places at the same time, for example, if you move into your new home earlier and are still cleaning the old one. You can have more than one contract at the same time.
If we have your current electricity contract, make a new contract for the new address first, and then terminate the contract at the old address. We recommend you make any changes to your contract at least a couple of weeks before you move. However, by calling our customer service, you can get electricity to your home even at short notice.
Can I do an electricity contract on behalf of someone else?
Electricity contracts are personal, but if the contract holder is unable to make the contract, you can make the contract on their behalf with a power of attorney. For persons under 18, the electricity contract is made in the name of the guardian.
What should I do with the electricity contract if the situation of my company changes suddenly?
If your company suddenly finds itself bankrupt or struggling to make payments, it may feel difficult to deal with anything that has to do with contracts or money. In such a situation, we encourage you to contact our customer service for business customers to discuss completing your payments in greater detail.
How do I terminate my electricity contract?
If you’re moving out of your current home and no longer need an electricity contract for it, you can easily terminate it here.
You may need electricity in two places at the same time if you move into your new home earlier and are still cleaning the old one. You can have more than one contract valid at the same time.
If you are changing electricity supplier at your current address, you do not have to terminate the contract yourself. The new electricity supplier will take care of this for you. In that case, the notice period is two weeks.
Billing and payment
What are the available payment methods?
We recommend e-invoicing to all our customers.
We deliver bills electronically as e-invoices and email bills to the Kivra and OmaPosti services. Your e-invoice will arrive in your online bank, whereas Kivra and OmaPosti are electronic mailboxes where you can also easily pay your bill. The email bill will arrive as an email.
For business customers, we recommend e-invoicing.
However, if you prefer not to get your invoice electronically, we can send you a paper bill by mail or you can make a direct debit agreement with your bank.
With direct debit, you can pay your bills without online banking. If you choose direct debit, we will send the invoicing details by mail well before the due date, and simultaneously send the payment details directly to your bank. With a direct debit contract, you authorize the bank to pay the bill on your behalf. The bank will pay your bill automatically from your account on the due date.
Please note that it is no longer possible to pay your invoice on site at our customer service.
Why is my electricity bill so high?
The size of the bill depends on the amount of electricity consumed and on the price of the For example, the following have an impact on electricity consumption:
- Method of heating the property
- Age of the property
- Size of the property
- Condition of electrical equipment in the dwelling
- Number of inhabitants
- Electricity consumption habits
- Thermal insulation of the property
In households heated with electricity, consumption is usually much higher in winter than in summer, and this is reflected in the bill.
You can see the price of the electricity you buy on your electricity bill and in the Vaasan Sähkö app. You can also compare energy prices and select the electricity contract and supplier of your choice.
Why have I received a bill from you even though I have changed electricity supplier?
If you live in Vaasan Sähköverkko’s distribution area, you will receive a bill from us even if you change your electricity supplier. Regardless of the electricity supplier, the local electricity network company will continue to be in charge of the distribution of electricity and the related billing. You cannot choose your electricity distribution company.
Why do I have to pay the basic charge even when I’m not using electricity?
The basic charge covers the fixed costs of the electricity supplier. These do not depend on the amount of energy used and that’s why the basic charge is the same regardless of consumption.
In electricity transmission, the basic charge is a fee for maintaining the electricity network and is not related to the amount of electricity used. Electricity network maintenance and development ensure that customers have an uninterrupted power supply.
How do I change the due date of my invoice?
You can easily postpone the due date of your invoice in our Online service. The service can be used in Finnish and Swedish. If the due date can be changed, this is shown next to the unpaid bill.
You can change the due date of a bill if you do so before the due date, you have no other unpaid bills and you have not already changed the due date of the specific bill.
You can postpone the due date yourself for a maximum of 60days and if the invoice is less than 500 euro. For more credit, please contact our payments services.
If you are getting your bill as an e-invoice, remember to also change the due date in your online bank. Read more here.
Supply interruptions
How can I be informed about supply interruptions?
Supply interruptions in Vaasan Sähköverkko’s distribution area are reported on our website in the section Supply interruptions. If your place of energy use is located outside the distribution area of Vaasan Sähköverkko, please contact your own electricity network company.
You can also subscribe to receive alerts by text message or email:
There’s a power outage – how do I check where the fault is?
First, check if the power is out in the whole building. Try the lights in different rooms, for example. Then, check if the main fuses are in order. Do your neighbors seem to have electricity on, or does the outage seem to affect more than one building?
If it does, it is most likely a fault in the distribution network. You can check the situation and instructions for reporting a fault on your electricity distribution company’s website.
How do I prepare for a power outage?
Power outages are always a hassle, but there are things you can do to be prepared. Modern electricity networks are also highly automated, helping to locate and repair faults quickly. For more information on your distribution company’s emergency services, visit their website. If you live in the distribution area of Vaasan Sähköverkko, visit vaasansahkoverkko.fi.
How to prepare for a power outage
- Always have a power bank charged to provide extra power for your telephone during a power outage.
- Keep a flashlight and candles – with matches – in a convenient place.
- Electric garage doors open even without electricity. Learn how and also teach your family.
- If you have a fireplace, remember to keep firewood available.
- Also keep some cash available, because ATMs don’t work during power outages.
Things to remember during a power outage
- Do not open the fridge or freezer unless you really have to.
- Do you see a tree that has fallen or is about to fall on a power line? Do not touch the tree, and do not approach it – contact your electricity distribution company.
- Check the situation on your smartphone:
In Vaasan Sähköverkko’s distribution area
Elsewhere in Finland
The district heating is not working – what’s wrong?
If you are having problems with the heating of your property, first check our website for information on any interruptions in the supply of district heating that might have already been reported. If there is no widespread problem, see our tips for checking your own equipment.
- Turn off the air conditioning in the property, if possible
- Do not ventilate your home or use a cooker hood if you don’t have to
- Prepare to use a fireplace or another additional source of heat
Make sure that all appliances are working as they should. You can report interruptions in the supply of district heating 24/7 on our website.
Interruptions in the supply of district heating
Open 24/7
Interruptions in the supply of electricity
Report a power supply failure on Vaasa Sähköverkko’s website.
District heating contract
How do I transfer ownership of a district heating connection?
The connection is not automatically transferred when the property changes ownership.
You can transfer the district heating contract to the new owner by notifying us of the transfer. This can be done electronically. Please include a copy of the property’s deed of sale or another transfer document that mentions the district heating connection transfer.
You can find detailed instructions for transferring the district heating connection here.
Can my property be connected to district heating?
Our district heating network is located in the central areas of Vaasa, Sepänkylä in Mustasaari and Vähäkyrö.
We can connect both new and old buildings located in our network area to the district heating network. If your property is located near the network area, please contact our customer service and we’ll find out whether your property can be connected to the network.
Read more about connecting to district heating.
What happens to the district heating contract if the customer dies?
The district heating contract usually remains in the name of the estate until the property changes hands through inheritance or a property sale.
Read more about the estate’s district heating contract.
My district heating equipment seems to be faulty – what should I do?
District heating equipment needs to be maintained from time to time. We have put together a comprehensive guide to using district heating equipment – you can find it here. You can also contact the district heating customer service, if necessary.
District heating customer service
Open weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm
Questions about electricity distribution
I bought a home – how do I transfer the electricity connection into my own name?
When you buy a property, you can usually transfer the electricity connection to the new owner by providing the electricity distribution company with a copy of the deed of sale that mentions the transfer of the electricity connection.
You should consult your electricity distribution work company’s instructions on transferring ownership of your electricity connection.
As a customer of Vaasan Sähköverkko, you can read about the policy on Vaasan Sähköverkko’s website.
Which electricity distribution option is best for me?
Electricity distribution companies offer a range of electricity distribution options. You can check the selection on your distribution company’s website.
Vaasan Sähköverkko has three distribution options to choose from: General electricity, Night-rate electricity, and Season-rate electricity. To get the best value, choose a distribution product that suits your electricity use.
Check out Vaasan Sähköverkko’s electricity transmission options.
When should I change the metering method?
You should change distribution products if there is a clear change in your electricity consumption habits and your current distribution contract is no longer the cheapest for you. This can happen for various reasons, for instance if your electricity consumption decreases or most of your consumption is shifted to another time of day or year.
It’s a good idea to check the policies of your local distribution company on their website. As a customer of Vasaan Sähköverkko, you can change your electricity transmission product once a year free of charge. Please order the change on the Vaasan Sähköverkko website.
How often can I change my electricity distribution product?
We recommend that you check the policies of your local distribution company on their website. As a customer of Vaasan Sähköverkko, you can change your electricity transmission product once a year free of charge.
Can I be notified of a power outage by mobile phone?
As a customer of Vaasan Sähköverkko, you can receive information about power outages, their causes and duration directly to your mobile phone through our free text message service. You can sign up for this service on the Vaasan Sähköverkko website.
If you are a customer of another distribution company, you should see their website for any reports related to supply interruptions.
Vaasan Sähköverkko customer service
Service Point Opening Hours
Our service point is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Address: Kirkkopuistikko 0, Vaasa

Manage Your Affairs Easily Online
Our online service makes managing your energy needs easy and fast! Handle electricity contracts and billing at a time that suits you best.