Remember these before moving

Electricity contract

  • Make an electricity contract for your new home at least two weeks before moving to ensure that you’ll have electricity once you move in.
  • If you’re late with making an electricity contract, you can be connected on short notice, too, by calling us. We will do our best to get your electricity working for the day of your move in, even at short notice. We will also find out for you whether the local power grid company will charge you a fee for quick connection.
  • Cancel the electricity contract for your old home. It will not be terminated automatically when you make a new electricity contract or move out. You will receive an electricity bill until you terminate the contract or the new tenant makes an electricity contract in the apartment under their own name.
  • You may of course need electricity in two places at the same time, for example if you are renovating the new home but are still in the old place. You can have more than one contract valid at the same time. Your new contract can begin already before you move, and you can terminate your old contract whenever you need, even on the same business day.
  • When moving house, it’s the obvious point when you should ask for electricity tenders. This way you get electricity at the optimum price, produced in a way that you prefer, such as wind power. Remember that your can get your electricity from any electricity company of your choice. For example, Vaasan Sähkö delivers electricity everywhere in Finland at a below-average price.

Internet connection

  • Cancel or transfer your internet connection on your move date to the new address. You should do this as soon as you know when you are moving to ensure that your connection is ok right from day one.
  • Find out if your new housing company already has fixed-line broadband connection, meaning that you do not necessarily need your own internet connection.

Home insurance

  • Transfer your home insurance to the new address well in advance and update it if your insurance needs change.

Notification of change of address

  • Make a notification of change of address on the Posti website no earlier than a month before moving. The notification must reach the Digital and Population Data Services Agency no later than one week after your move.
  • The notification of change of address updates your residential data into the systems of the national population data system and Posti.
  • Your address will be automatically updated to the authorities, such as Kela and the Finnish Tax Administration. Make sure your new address is known by your employer and other service providers such as your gym or magazines.


  • Get enough removal boxes. Mark the contents of each box and where you want to have them in your new home.
  • Textiles, pillows and duvets are easiest to take along in garbage bags.
  • Recycle anything that you no longer need.

Moving services

  • Decide whether you will use a moving company or have the end cleaning done by professionals, and order them well in advance. Remember that end cleaning is eligible for tax credit as household expenses.

Moving into a detached house

  • Remember to take care of the new house’s water, heating and waste management contracts. If building a new home, allow about a month for electricity connection work. If selling your old house, remember to inform your power grid company about the change in ownership.

On the day that you move…

Protecting the apartment

  • If necessary, protect floors and any delicate surfaces with cardboard or bubble wrap.

Moving help

  • Make sure everything is ready to be carried away once the movers arrive. Offer any helpers something to eat and drink.

Carrying accessories

  • Have gloves ready for everyone. Remember to rent a hand truck to make life easier for yourself.

When your old home is empty…


  • Clean your old home so well that the next people can move straight in. Make sure that the floor, walls and windows are clean. Clean the cooker hood and grease filter and the oven. Wash and defrost the fridge and freezer. Remember also to clean the bathroom floor drain.

Arriving in your new home…

  • If you moved into a rental apartment, take photos of any wear and tear and knocks and defects, so that they will not be considered to have been caused by you when you move out.

All the best in your new home!

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